I often joke that I’m a day late or a dollar short for life.  The way my mind works, learning some of life’s most important, seemingly simple lessons often takes longer and involves more challenges than I like.  Time is such a big driver for me to the point where if something comes too easily, I’m immediately cautious and skeptical.  Relationships of all kinds are another driver and constant source for developing perspective and learning grace.

To family and friends who hold me accountable, push me to grow, and challenge me to seek God’s standards, I am humbled and truly thankful.  However painful at the time, for those who pick me up when I’ve stumbled, tripped, or fallen flat on my face with a chipped tooth (worst nightmare), I don’t know where I’d be without you.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

-Proverbs 27:17

We need sharpening and accountability checks.  Relationships are hard.  Really hard.  And sometimes they have to get messy in order to be real.  They need time, sacrifice, forgiveness, and nurturing to work.


A few months ago, one pushed me into a very uncomfortable conversation.  Looking back, I realize she was my check-engine light, asking me to look at life from a big picture perspective instead of being easily distracted by details and expectations from others and myself.  She was sharpening me by challenging me to see something I hadn’t yet come to realize – I had learned to be content, to love my life, no matter the circumstances (Philippians 4:11).  I love the people I see every day, and the ones I don’t.  I love the things I get to do.  I love learning how to better encourage, be of service, soak in deep conversation, explore the outdoors, seek random adventures, and grow in relationships.

Growing in wisdom helps us position our lives so that God receives the maximum glory due His name.  “Be very careful then how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15)  Learning to put deeper meaning to everything – all of life – gives purpose to every breath, every smile, every conversation, every task.  When others see this, perhaps a soul is drawn a little closer to God Himself.

Naturally, I leave you with a challenge –

How would your relationships, finances, and work be different if you just followed God?  What if you were faithful to Him?  Would you have regrets?